Jennifer Owen Retrospective, Camp Kaluanui and Historic Preservation

March 30, 2012March 1st offered a dynamic artist chat with Hui visiting artist Esterita Austin, who explained the simple step-by-step techniques that add “POW” to her fiber portraits. On March 9th, we celebrated the opening of 2012 retrospective artist Jennifer Owen’s critically acclaimed exhibition (now through May 4th), featuring a survey of her ceramic work from 1973 – present. Following in the footsteps of former Hui retrospective artists Tadashi Sato (1992), Marian Freeman (1993), Toshiko Takaezu (1993), Masami Teraoka (1995), Shige Yamada (2000), Richard Nelson (2004) and, most recently, Darrell Orwig (2011), Jennifer joins an impressive roster of individuals who have made a profound influence on local art, here to share their work & ideas with the general public. Also in March, we became the proud recipients of a grant through the Laila Twigg-Smith Art Fund of the Hawai'i Community Foundation in support of the 2012 Artists in Residence program (learn more), enjoyed hosting dozens of stupendously creative keiki during spring break’s Camp Kaluanui, and participated in the 10th Annual Historic Preservation Awareness Day at the Hawai‘i State Capitol building on Oahu, presented by the State Legislature’s Heritage Caucus, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, where we mixed & mingled with some 50 fellow history and preservation advocates, as well as members of Hawai‘i’s House of Representatives.

More info: Watch Paul Janes-Brown's "Curtain Call" review of the Jennifer Owen retrospective at Maui TV News, Download a copy of "Jennifer Owen: All Things Reconsidered," by Paul Wood for On Maui Magazine, read "A Chat with 2012 Retrospective Artist Jennifer Owen" on the Hui Blog
